Union Formally Declares Impasse
Strike FAQ
City Employees Rally Across City to Demand the City Fill Vacancies and Restore Vital Public Services
City Issues "Last, Best, And Final" Offer - Union Calls for Strike Vote
City Moves 0.25%
City "Leaders" Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds
It’s Imperative that You Attend At Least One of the Rallies Scheduled for the Week Of June 5th.
City Council instructs bargaining team to break law; then, in the worst way, the City tries to undo*
City has ZERO ideas about fixing anything (insert shrug shoulder emoji)
City Workers Deliver 75 Foot Long Petition with Over 2,000 Signatures to City Council
City Makes First Wage Proposal
City Workers Deliver 75 Foot Long Petition to City Council Telling them to Staff Up San Jose!
Bargaining Update - April 12
Have You Seen Us?
Bargaining Update - March 22
Celebrating Women's History Month in San Jose - The Right Way
UPDATE: City agrees to Settle with Library Workers on Unfair Labor Practice on Sunday Branch Hours