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AFSCME’s Saunders: Supporting public service workers means respecting their voice on the job

WASHINGTON – AFSCME President Lee Saunders released the following statement recognizing National Public Service Recognition Week, which is happening May 5-11, 2024


“Public service workers do many different jobs, but they all have one thing in common: They are passionate about helping others. Every one of these occupations – from health care and public safety to school employees and transportation workers – is essential to the strength of our nation. This week, we are proud to honor the 1.4 million AFSCME members who keep America running.
“Across the country, public service workers are organizing their workplaces and raising their voice on the job, because being in a union means having the power to advocate for a better future for themselves and their families. With that power, AFSCME members are also making our communities safer and healthier for everyone.
“Thank a public service worker who makes a difference in your life. And commit to recognizing the important work they do year-round.”

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